M A I L M O N S T E R Version 2.8L (C) Copyright 1988 * PETER T. DYER MAIL MONSTER is a straight-forward easy to use mailing label manager. It permits you to add, edit, sort, and print mailing labels. You define the categories that your list of people and/or organizations fits. The MAIL MONSTER organizes your mailing list, and prints only those labels you need to target a specific group, organization, zip code area, or whatever and whomever you need to reach. You print the on-disk MANUAL for MAIL MONSTER by running the simple batch program on your disk entitled PRINTDOC.BAT. Be sure your printer is on. If you are venturesome, you can start MAIL MONSTER by simply placing the disk in drive A and at the A> prompt type MAIL You need only follow the MENU choices that appear. The choices are self-explanatory. COPY CONFIG.SYS file to your DOS boot disk; reboot before typing MAIL. You ought first to set up your CATEGORIES (option C) and configure MM. Next, enter individuals, organizations, businesses, and/or agencies. It is that simple! As your mailing list grows, you'll need to place it on a hard disk. Most organizations eventually do. Enjoy.....!!!